23 Feb 2014

Making stand for my python

I made a stand for my python.

I used scrap iron for it. I need having practice to brush my Mig welding skill. This time I used Mig welding machine.

It's easy than arc welding. But I need more practice.

The cage is made from L angle and round bar the diameter is 10 mm.

My welding skill became a little bit better, I think.

At last, I attached wood parts to the iron stand.


Making pivot axle

I had to make pivot axle by myself.
I had used M12 stainless bolt for it. But the diameter is too small to the inner diameter of bearing. So my friend soldered brass to the surface of the stainless bolt to fit to the bearing.
Then after I rode for 600km, the stainless bolt got curve and a few splitting.

To solve this, I made pivot axle by myself.

It's very hard to make to fit the bolt to bearing exactly.

At last I could make it and change it.

It was made from mild steel.
It may be weak.
I need test riding carefully.


16 Feb 2014

Compare my python with normal bike

To do it, I learned the elements of bike which are used ordinary.
My python 's datum
  • Head angle:60 degrees

  • Fork offset:280 mm

  • Trail:-180 mm

On normal bike,
  • Head angle:60-75 degrees

  • Fork offset:35-50 mm

  • Trail:48-90 mm

The values of Head angle are almost same.

Fork offset means the distance of axle of steering wheel and the line of steering pivot.
On the python, it doesn't any name. It is called the distance of steering BB and FWaP. The value quite different.
On the normal bike, bigger value makes bigger trail to increase stability of steering.
On the python, bigger value makes bigger minus trail to decrease stability of steering.

The value of trail also are different. On the python, it has minus's

Wheel base is also different. Normal bike has less value than 1100 mm. But 26 inch python has 1200-1400 mm.

The steering of the python needs more power. Although I attached the handle to my python, I can't steer with only arms. Just I can keep steering position when I ride on the corner. The legs with more power than arms work to steer. It's hard to sensible quick control with the legs, but I guess that brings stability. Coz feeling of the balance is brushed for slow control with legs.